$DNXC Liquidity Mining Campaign is Live!

2 min readAug 18, 2021

The DinoX team is excited to announce our new Liquidity Mining Program for Uniswap and Quickswap.

What is Liquidity Mining?

Liquidity Mining is designed to incentivize providing Liquidity to $DNXC-$USDC and $DNXC-$QUICK liquidity pairs. By providing an equal amount of $DNXC-$USDC/$QUICK, liquidity providers receive tokens know as Liquidity pool (LP) tokens unique to the respective pairs.

What do I do with my LP tokens?

Now that you have your LP tokens you can stake them within the DinoX liquidity program.

Beyond simply receiving your cut of the Uniswap and Quickswap trading fees, by staking your LP tokens you also receive $DNXC as a reward. Thus, essentially allowing you to receive twice the rewards on the liquidity you provide!

By providing liquidity you are also playing an important part in seeding liquidity to allow for smooth & frictionless trades across the UniSwap and QuickSwap trading pairs.

What are the rewards?

When participating in liquidity mining, the earlier you get in, the bigger your rewards.

Rewards can be calculated using the following formula:

APR = (Total DNXC Rewards per year in USD / Total pool liquidity in USD)

The DinoX team will be providing the following DNXC rewards:

Uniswap (Via DaoMaker) — 400,000 $DNXC

DNXC — USDC Link: Dao Pad by DAO Maker

Quickswap (Via QuickSwap) — 316,000 $DNXC

DNXC-USDC Link: Quickswap Interface

DNXC-QUICK Link: Quickswap Interface

Additionally, the top 20 LP providers will receive a surprise action card! (design and specific features of the card to be revealed later) Be sure to enter the pools early to take advantage of the higher early rewards!

About DinoX

DinoX is a combat and strategy game in a sandbox environment. A beloved gameplay genre blended with a fan-favorite theme of dinosaurs. Players build dinosaur kingdoms, rally resources to expand, build combative skills to occupy others, and due to the benefits of the metaverse, retain true ownership of the game.

“If there’s something that will stay alive for millions of years, it will be Dinosaurs”.

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Multiplayer Metaverse Game – Dinosaurs and Adventurers